CS2 server satın al, CS2 server kiralama,CS.Center

CS2 Server Kirala

CS2 server satın al, CS2 server kiralama,CS.Center
CS2 Server Satın Al
CS2 server satın al, CS2 server kiralama,CS.Center
Panelimizde ki 400'den fazla eklenti Tamamen ücretsiz bir şekilde serverinize gelmektedir
CS2 server satın al, CS2 server kiralama,CS.Center
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CS2 server satın al, CS2 server kiralama,CS.Center
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[CS:GO][PLUGIN] DeathMatch mod ana eklentisi - Eski Plugin eklentisi(DeathMatch) 01.07.2016 Cuma 13:15

Admins (Changemap flag)
sm_dm - Display admin menu (Chat alias: !dm)
dm_respawn_all - Respawn everyone
dm_respawn_dead - Respawn dead players
dm_load[_mod] Section Subsection [equip|respawn|restart|nextround] - Force a section->Subsection load
If third argument is supplied, an action is performed:
- none: players will be equiped on their next spawn
- equip: equip all players after successfull load
- respawn: respawn all players after successfull load
- restart: restart game after successfull load
- nextround: perform load on next round
If dm_load_mod is used, previous loaded configuration wont be unloaded before
dm_weapon_add weapon> [limit>] - Add an available weapon. Set limit to -1 for unlimited
dm_weapon_remove weapon> - Remove an available weapon
dm_weapon_limit weapon> limit> -Limit a weapon count. Set limit to -1 for unlimited

Spawn edition - Admins (Changemap flag)
dm_spawns_show - Toggle spawn display mode.
dm_spawns_add [T|CT] - Add spawn point at your position for T, CT or deathmatch is no argument is supplied
dm_spawns_delete - Remove spawn point at your position
dm_spawns_import - Import current map spawns
dm_spawns_save - Save spawns
dm_spawns_test first|next|prev> - Spawn to first/next/previous point for testing
dm_spawns_stats - Display spawn statistics

dm_enabled 1 Enable deathmatch.

dm_gun_menu_mode 1 Gun menu mode. 1) Enabled. 2) Disabled. 3) Random
dm_gun_menu_triggers guns gns buy Gun menu say triggers. Space separated. Not case sensitive. Dont add ! or /. Max size per trigger 10 char, max triggers 20
dm_connect_hide_menu 0 Hide DM menu at first spawn
dm_enable_random_menu 1 Enable random item in menu

dm_remove_objectives 1 Remove objectives (disables bomb sites and removes c4 and hostages).
dm_remove_chickens 1 Remove spawning chickens.

dm_weapons_allow_3rd_party 0 Allow 3rd party weapons from map or other plugins.

dm_weapons_allow_drop 0 Allow weapon drop.
dm_weapons_allow_drop_nade 0 Allow nade drop.
dm_weapons_allow_drop_knife 0 Allow knife drop.
dm_weapons_allow_drop_zeus 0 Allow tazer drop.
dm_weapons_allow_drop_c4 1 Allow c4 drop.

dm_weapons_allow_not_carried 0 Allow not carried weapons (on map).
dm_weapons_max_not_carried 100 Maximum number of not carried weapons on map.
dm_weapons_max_same_not_carried 20 Maximum number of not carried same weapons on map.

dm_weapons_remove_furthest 1 Uncarried weapon limit enforcement by removing weapons further to a player.
dm_weapons_remove_not_in_los 1 Uncarried weapon limit enforcement by removing weapons not in player Line Of Sight.
dm_weapons_remove_sametype_first 1 Uncarried weapon limit enforcement by removing first the weapons ttype that is most represented on map.

dm_randomspawn_internal 1 Use internal randomspawn method, requires DHook extension and custom DM spawns.
dm_normalspawn_internal 1 Use internal spawn method, requires DHook extension.
dm_normalspawn_los 0 Use LOS for normal (non random) spawn
dm_spawn_median_distance_ratio 0.2 Target spawn distance to other player = ratio * maximum distance between spawn points
dm_spawn_min_team_distance_ratio 0.2 Target minimum spawn distance to teammates = ratio * maximum distance between team spawn points

dm_spawn_protection_enable 0 Enable internal spawn protection (this has no effect on stock CS:FO spawn protection system)
dm_spawn_protection_duration 1.0 Spawn protection duration, in seconds
dm_spawn_protection_clearonshoot 1 Immediatly clears spawn protection when player shoots
dm_spawn_protection_color_t 255,0,0,255 Terrorist Client color when spawn protected (R, G, B A), set sv_disable_immunity_alpha 1 for a working alpha value
dm_spawn_protection_color_ct 0,0,255,255 CT Client color when spawn protected (R, G, B A), set sv_disable_immunity_alpha 1 for a working alpha value
dm_spawn_protection_hudfadecolor_t 255,0,0,100 Terrorist HUD color when spawn protected
dm_spawn_protection_hudfadecolor_ct 0,0,255,100 CT HUD color when spawn protected

dm_spawn_custom_sounds_enable 0 Enable custom spawn sounds
dm_spawn_custom_sounds Pool of custom spawn sounds. Comma separated. Sounds in randomly chosen form the pool. Max 10 sounds, path related to the sound/ directory. eg custom/sound1.wav,custom/sound2.wav
dm_spawn_custom_sounds_level 90 Custom spawn sound play level. 75 is normal level, 140 is gunshot
dm_spawn_custom_sounds_to_self_enable 0 Enable custom spawn sounds to spawned player
dm_spawn_custom_sounds_to_self Pool of custom spawn sounds to spawned player. Comma separated. Sounds in randomly chosen form the pool. Max 10 sounds, path related to the sound/ directory. eg custom/sound1.wav,custom/sound2.wav
dm_spawn_custom_sounds_to_self_level 90 Custom spawn sound to spawned player play level. 75 is normal level, 120 is gunshot
dm_spawn_custom_sounds_to_team_enable 0 Enable custom spawn sounds to teammates
dm_spawn_custom_sounds_to_team Pool of custom spawn sounds to teammates. Comma separated. Sounds in randomly chosen form the pool. Max 10 sounds, path related to the sound/ directory. eg custom/sound1.wav,custom/sound2.wav
dm_spawn_custom_sounds_to_team_level 90 Custom spawn sound to teammates play level. 75 is normal level, 140 is gunshot

dm_spawn_fade_enable 0 Enable fade at spawn.
dm_spawn_fade_color 0,0,0,240 Fade color, Format Red,Green,Blue,Alpha
dm_spawn_fade_hold_duration 0 Fade hold duration in seconds. Time during which fade color is applied to screen without fading.
dm_spawn_fade_duration 1.5 Fade duration in seconds. Time after Hold duration during which screen is faded

dm_limited_weapons_rotation 1 Enable limited weapons rotation.
dm_limited_weapons_rotation_time 60.0 Time in second before rotating limited weapons between client. If 0, plugin will wait for player to change weapon.
dm_limited_weapons_rotation_min_time 10.0 Minimum time in second before rotating limited weapons between client.

dm_hide_radar 1 Hide HUD radar.
dm_replenish_ammo 1 Unlimited player ammo.
dm_replenish_clip 1 Refill clip on kill.
dm_replenish_clip_headshot 1 Refill clip on headshot kill.
dm_replenish_clip_knife 1 Refill clip on knife kill.
dm_replenish_clip_nade 1 Refill clip on nade kill.

dm_equip_kill Equipment to give after kill. Comma separated. Format number>*equimpment>. Equimpent can be he, flash, smoke, incendiary, decoy, zeus. eg 1*he,2*zeus
dm_equip_headshot Equipment to give after HS kill. Comma separated. Format number>*equimpment>. Equimpent can be he, flash, smoke, incendiary, decoy, zeus. eg 1*he,2*zeus
dm_equip_knife Equipment to give after Knife kill. Comma separated. Format number>*equimpment>. Equimpent can be he, flash, smoke, incendiary, decoy, zeus. eg 1*he,2*zeus
dm_equip_nade Equipment to give after Nade kill. Comma separated. Format number>*equimpment>. Equimpent can be he, flash, smoke, incendiary, decoy, zeus. eg 1*he,2*zeus

dm_fast_equip 1 Allows to shoot right after weapon equip.

dm_no_damage_knife 0 Filter damage from knives when only HS is not active
dm_no_damage_taser 0 Filter damage from taser when only HS is not active
dm_no_damage_nade 0 Filter damage from nades when only HS is not active
dm_no_damage_world 0 Filter damage from world when only HS is not active
dm_no_damage_trigger_hurt 0 Filter damage from trigger_hurt when only HS is not active

dm_onlyhs 0 Enable only headshot mode
dm_onlyhs_oneshot 0 Enable one shot kill for only HS
dm_onlyhs_allowknife 1 Allows knife in only HS mode
dm_onlyhs_allowtaser 1 Allows taser in only HS mode
dm_onlyhs_allownade 1 Allows HE nades in only HS mode
dm_onlyhs_allowworld 1 Allows suicide in only HS mode
dm_onlyhs_allowtriggerhurt 1 Allows trigger_hurt damage in only HS mode

dm_hp_start 100 Spawn HP.
dm_hp_max 100 Maximum HP.
dm_kevlar_start 100 Spawn Kevlar.
dm_kevlar_max 100 Maximum Kevlar.
dm_hp_kill 5 HP per kill.
dm_hp_hs 10 HP per headshot kill.
dm_hp_knife 25 HP per knife kill.
dm_hp_nade 25 HP per nade kill.
dm_hp_to_kevlar_ratio 0.5 Ratio of HP to refill on kevlar on kill.
dm_hp_to_kevlar_mode 2 Refill kevlar mode: 0 = Off, 1 = always, 2 = when HP is full.
dm_hp_to_helmet 3 Refill helmet mode: 0 = Off, 1 = always, 2 = when HP is full, 3 when HP and kevlar are full.
dm_hp_messages 1 Display HP messages.

dm_helmet 1 Give players Helmet.
dm_zeus 0 Number of taser to give give each player (-1 = infinite).
dm_knife 1 Give players a knife.
dm_defuser 0 Give players a defuse kit.

dm_nades_incendiary 0 Number of incendiary grenades to give each player.
dm_nades_decoy 0 Number of decoy grenades to give each player.
dm_nades_flashbang 0 Number of flashbang grenades to give each player.
dm_nades_he 0 Number of HE grenades to give each player (-1 = infinite).
dm_nades_smoke 0 Number of Smoke grenades to give each player.

dm_zeus_max 0 Maximum number of taser shot to give each player.
dm_nades_incendiary_max 0 Maximum number of incendiary grenades to give each player.
dm_nades_decoy_max 0 Maximum number of decoy grenades to give each player.
dm_nades_flashbang_max 0 Maximum number of flashbang grenades to give each player.
dm_nades_he_max 0 Maximum number of HE grenades to give each player.
dm_nades_smoke_max 0 Maximum number of Smoke grenades to give each player.

dm_default_primary none Default primary weapon to give a player
dm_default_secondary none Default secondary weapon to give a player

dm_warmup_time 45 Warmup duration

dm_show_rankme_ladder 1 Periodically show a rankme ladder in hint (rankme plugin dependant)
dm_show_rankme_ladder_period 60 Rankme ladder display period in seconds
dm_show_rankme_ladder_duration 15 Rankme ladder display duration in seconds

dm_filter_friendly_aimpunch 0 Filter aimpunch from a friendly fire
dm_filter_all_aimpunch 0 Filter all aimpunch (might also remove blood effects)

dm_filter_kill_log 0 Filter kill log on upper right corner
dm_filter_kill_beep 0 Filter beep sound on kill (in deathmatch game mode)

dm_filter_texts_enabled 0 Enable Text messages filtering
dm_filter_texts #Player_Point_Award_Killed_Enemy_Plural List of Text messages to filter. Comma separated. Maximum 20
dm_log_texts_enabled 0 Enable Text messages logging, Filter shall be enabled to for this to work
dm_filter_hints_enabled 0 Enable Text messages filtering
dm_filter_hints List of Hint messages to filter. Comma separated. Maximum 20
dm_log_hints_enabled 0 Enable Text messages logging, Filter shall be enabled to for this to work
dm_filter_sounds_enabled 0 Enable Sounds filtering
dm_filter_sounds player/pl_respawn.wav List of Sounds to filter. Comma separated. Maximum 20
dm_log_sounds_enabled 0 Enable Sounds logging, Filter shall be enabled to for this to work
dm_filter_blood_decals 0 Filter blood decals on walls
dm_filter_blood_splatter 0 Filter blood splatters

dm_spawns_editor_speed_ratio 1.5 Speed ratio applied to admin in spawn edit mode.
dm_spawns_editor_gravity_ratio 0.2 Gravity ratio applied to admin in spawn edit mode.

dm_entity_remove_plugin env_entity_maker game_player_equip game_weapon_manager player_weaponstrip Entities to be removed, needed by plugin, change if know what you are doing
dm_entity_remove_user point_servercommand Adds to plugin entities to be removed at map start. Space separated. Max size per entity 49 char, max entities 20

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