// Prevent players from being able to pick up guns/drop guns (theyll have full ammo if you drop them and pick it up)
mp_death_drop_grenade 0
mp_death_drop_gun 0
// Setting the old ladder movement
sv_ladder_scale_speed 1
Be sure to NOT run any skin-modification plugins like Weapon Paints with this plugin. Altering the weapon paints will give the players full ammo.
- !bb / sm_bb (Activates Blockbuilder Menu!)
- !blocksnap (Enables/Disables Block Snapping... Shortcut to option in bb menu)
- !snapgrid value> / sm_snapgrid (Sets distance between each block in snapgrid... Shortcut and alternate solution to values in BB Menu)
- !unitmover (Enables advanced block moving menu... Allows you manually set rotation/position... Aim at block and type !unitmover)
CVAR: sm_blockbuilder_prefix (Changes Blockbuilder messages prefix. Default: [BlockBuilder]
CVAR: sm_blockbuilder_random_cooldown (Changes cooldown between uses of Random block for each player. Default: 60 seconds a la 60
- +grab - Bindable command that grabs block
- -grab - Bindable command that releases block
- tgrab - Bindable command that grabs/releases block depending on its state
- sm_bsave - Saves all blocks
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