sm_resetscore 1/0 - Enable or disable the plugin
sm_resetscore_public 1/0 - Enable or disable public messages when player reset.
sm_resetscore_savescores 1/0 - Save scores when players retry.
sm_resetscore_cost amount - If you want charge money by reset, 0 to disable.
Player Commands
!rs or !resetscore: Reset your score (/rs and /resetscore works too).
Admin Fun Commands
sm_setscore name or #userid> Kills> Deaths>Stars>: Set a custom score to a player (CSS)
sm_setscore name or #userid> Kills> Deaths>Assists>Stars>Points>: Set a custom score to a player (CSGO)
sm_resetplayer name or #userid>: Resetscore of a player.
sm_setpointsname or #userid>points>: Set a custom number of points to a player. (CSGO)
sm_setstarsname or #userid>stars>: Set a custom number of MVP stars to a player.
sm_setassistsname or #userid>assists>: Set a custom number of assists to a player (CS:GO)
Eklentiyi aşşağıdaki İNDİR tuşuna basarak indirebilirsiniz.
Ekstra olarak bu eklentiler bizim serverlarımızda tek tıklama ile panelden kurulabilmektedir.
Eklenti kurulumunu bilmiyorsanız, öğrenmek için buraya tıklayınız
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